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Do well all that you do

Do well all that you do

Good Shepherd Convent Composite P.U College

We the Management strive to provide quality education, student friendly atmosphere, safety and protection to every child, freedom to grow and develop as a good human being to make the society a better place to live in. May we be effective agents to transform our Society and Nation. God Bless all our students and their families.

We, Good Shepherd Sisters continue to make the ideal of our foundress a living reality in our world-wide mission of education and re-education both formal and non-formal in diverse cultures. Her favorite maxim was that we should form strong characters of high principles grounded in truth. Some comments of hers in this connection are given here for our earnest reflection. Our goal is to foster the total development of each student in her / his uniqueness so that she / he becomes – Intellectually alert, Emotionally balanced, Morally sound, Spiritually oriented, Physically fit, Culturally enriched and Socially committed.

We should be diligent in study and eager to acquire knowledge, as by it means we shall be able to help others.

Good Shepherd Sisters make the ideal of our foundress a living reality and world-wide mission of education and re-education both formal and non-formal in diverse cultures.

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Students to successfully face the challenges of Life

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Our goal is to foster the total development of each student in her / his uniqueness

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